Dental veneers, also known as porcelain veneers, are small, thin sheets made of tooth-like materials. They are attached to teeth to improve the overall look of the tooth that might be damaged, misshapen, or discolored. We know that they are a convenient way to make teeth look good, but one question on some of your minds would be: do veneers hurt?
What is a dental veneer?
A dental veneer is a procedure that would help bring back the shine of teeth that have otherwise been worn out by wear and tear. A dental veneer is put on a tooth in a three-step process. It would mostly require three trips to the dentist to complete the procedure. The first appointment would be the consultation, to have the veneers fitted, and the next two appointments would be spent to apply the veneers.
A veneer is a less invasive procedure when compared to a dental crown. Where a crown would have to shape the tooth to have the crown fitted on top of it, the process of a veneer would only require scraping a little bit of enamel to allow the veneer to adhere to the natural tooth.
Is there any pain involved in getting a dental veneer?
A patient should not fear pain when they will be getting a dental veneer. The reason for this would be that dental veneers are considered to be a very conservative type of treatment. Meaning very little of the tooth will be chiseled off to make room for the veneer.
Although there will always be some level of discomfort when it comes to dental procedures, the level of pain that will be felt in the process to get a dental veneer would be very minimal if any. Most patients say that they would be very comfortable throughout the whole procedure. The reason for this would be that the whole process would take place at gum level, there would be no need to penetrate the gums for any part of the process.
However, some patients report that there would be some mild discomfort that accompanies getting a dental veneer. When the enamel of the tooth would be scraped a little bit, there may be a slight feeling of discomfort. Also, for up to two weeks after the procedure is finished, there may be some tooth sensitivity. Meaning that you might experience some discomfort when you drink beverages that are too hot or too cold. However, this sensitivity should fade over time, and everything should go back to normal.
What is the final verdict then, do veneers hurt? The final answer is no. IN the long run, there should be no pain associated with dental veneers, and although discomfort is a common side-effect, it will subside fairly quickly after some time will pass. If you are going to have a dental veneer placed on one or more of your teeth, you need not fear pain, because generally, pain should not be associated with the process of getting dental veneers. If you are still feeling qualms, talk to your dentist, and they will be able to explain the process of how veneers are applied and they will also be able to reassure you about the pain (or lack thereof) you will feel during and after the procedure.
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