How Can Mandibular Prognathism Underbite Affect Dental Health

How Can Mandibular Prognathism (Underbite) Affect Dental Health?


Malocclusion can have various stages and may prevent a person from eating or drinking properly. A person with lower jaw problems can experience severe gum and tooth pain. It may harbor dental diseases such as cavities and gingivitis more quickly. Moreover, crowded, crooked, or misaligned teeth were proven to be a risk factor in breathing. A dentist may recommend using a mandibular advancement splint to address the lower jaw for orthodontic treatment. Furthermore, mandibular prognathism may need an oral and maxillofacial surgeon to diagnose early signs of temporomandibular joint disorder or TMJD. If you have the following symptoms detailed in our article, go to the nearest dental clinic to seek treatment. You can contact Good Choice Dental’s clinic in Burwood and ask them about this issue.


What Is Mandibular Prognathism?

Maxillary malocclusions of the upper and lower jaw can be quite uncommon or even rare for any patient. Mandibular prognathism is a class 3 malocclusion that shows as an underbite where the upper jaw is protruding, and the lower lip is tucked. This dental deformity limits the necessary functions of the facial structure, such as speaking, breathing, eating, and chewing. The causes of mandibular prognathism can vary from environmental, genetic, or developmental issues. A dental condition such as an overbite may also happen depending on how the face definition is. Hence, you may want to discover the type of skeletal protrusion by asking medical or dental advice from your certified doctor. 


What Are The Symptoms Of This Lower Jaw Misalignment?

It is possible to detect early symptoms of mandibular prognathism by merely looking at the lower jaw of the patient. Though, it is essential to use dental examinations such as cephalometric analysis or soft tissue analysis for comprehensive details. Moreover, a parent with a child that has protruding teeth, jaws, or chin should schedule a consultation with a specialist doctor. Most of the healthcare practitioners that treat, analyze, and diagnose the mandible issues are oral and maxillofacial surgeons, an otolaryngologist (ENT doctor), and prosthodontists.


Malformation Of Mandibular Jawbone 

Mandibular Prognathism Underbite

Underlying medical conditions may not be present at earlier stages of childhood until adulthood. The jawbone mandible may look standard at first. But, as the growth and development of the kid continue, abnormal jaw protrudes the face. Hence, malformation may need a radiographic examination, such as an X-ray or CT scan to diagnose the oral healthcare problem fully. Moreover, the defect of jaw mandible can be inherited from parents. Children with a lower jaw mandible issue are considered as a rare disease even today. Reduction surgery from cosmetic dental surgeons can also provide services such as mentoplasty, orthognathic surgery, and other aesthetic procedures.


Extended Lower Jaw Since Birth

Genetic disabilities such as Gigantism, Down Syndrome, Cerebro-costo-mandibular syndrome (CCMS), and Mandibular Prognathism may change a person’s appearance. Due to such rare diseases, it may be impossible to treat such chronic illnesses. However, joint programs from both the medicine and dentistry field are seeking ways to detect the symptoms earlier. Summits, training, workshops, and research papers for detecting rare diseases can help patients with genetic problems. Furthermore, genetic testing on previous cases can simulate a pattern of the disorders which scientists can discover.


Protruding Teeth And Malocclusion (Class 3)

As stated earlier, mandibular prognathism starts as a class 3 malocclusion, which is already one of the severe stages of protruding teeth. Maxilla or the bone that forms the lower jaw may naturally move the teeth leading to an underbite. Malocclusion may develop due to accidents, irregular bone formation, or even gum diseases. Hence, if the rare disease of the mandible, such as mandibular prognathism, it can affect dental health. Food debris may stick in between gums and teeth. It may leave the person vulnerable to periodontal diseases and gum inflammation as well. 


Why Does Mandibular Prognathism Affect Oral Health?

A dull toothache can have different causes and reasons. However, one thing is constant, and that is the evidence of dental diseases that affect oral health. After all, mandibular prognathism distorts the teeth alignment. According to general medical information, this disease is hereditary, which means it may pass on to children. It can also start through hormonal imbalances in the body. It may lead to severe bleeding, constant gum inflammation, and toothache. Not only can mandibular prognathism disrupt oral health conditions. It may also lead to risk factors of mental health issues, sleep disorders, and central nervous system problems. A family with a patient as a family member must immediately go to a jaw mandible expert such as an oral and maxillofacial surgeon, for an initial checkup


Can Orthognathic Surgery Fix Mandibular Prognathism (Orthodontic Treatment)?

Mandibular Prognathism Before After

Typically, the treatment for mandibular prognathism or lower jaw (underbite) disorder is surgery. However, additional orthodontic treatment may follow, such as having a prosthodontist check your current health condition. Prosthodontics can also help treat mandibular prognathism through the use of braces, mandibular splints, and nonintrusive surgery. However, there is no absolute assurance that dental and medical doctors and surgeons can provide successful orthodontic treatment. You may want to ask medical assistance from a health insurance company. Notably, children and babies may have special healthcare programs from the government. On the other hand, you may also want to look for financial assistance from global dental health authorities, dentists, and surgeons.


What To Expect When Visiting An Oral And Maxillofacial Surgeon

Detecting malocclusion at an early stage is best done when the person is younger. It can show prevention and treatment before the mandibular prognathism becomes worse. On the other hand, oral and maxillofacial surgeons can’t treat all rare dental diseases. You may need suitable second opinions from several medical and dental experts before getting surgery as well. Are people with lisps, cleft palate, and other maxillofacial problems treatable by a surgeon? Yes, and with most mandibular issues, not only one can exist due to the deformity. If you want a full reconstruction of your face, you may need more than your oral and maxillofacial surgeon to help you. Cosmetic dental surgeries may be a requirement from your trusted dentist. Consult a dental clinic today to know if you are qualified as a patient for mandibular prognathism surgery. 


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